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What Would You Guys Do? - Printable Version

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What Would You Guys Do? - livelyvegetable340 - 04-28-2014 04:38 PM

My boyfriend's ex likes all of my boyfriend's statuses on Facebook? It bothers me. I know the best thing to do is ignore it.
But I want to know what all of your reactions would be to if your boyfriends's/girlfriend's exes like everything that they posted. Would you address it? Confront the ex?
I'm irritated and I don't want to be irrational about the situation.

- Frid - 04-28-2014 04:39 PM

Report her abuse

- Ovidiu - 04-28-2014 04:42 PM

Unfortunately, lots of people - in my opinion too many people, have become "addicted" to FB...
Personally, I don't have an FB account and I shall never have one!
My life is my life, and I do preffer to keep it PRIVATE as much as possible!
I do have a family, friends, so that I don't feel "isolated", even without having an FB account!...
Isn't it enough that we have e-mail addresses, telephones, mobile telephones?!?
Please try to think hard about this, and, who knows, maybe you reach at the conclusion that you and your boyfriend will still survive if you delete your FB accounts!
The choice is yours!

- Sunshine Starburst - 04-28-2014 04:48 PM

its best to just talk to him about it, if he likes you enough he'll get her to back off