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HUGE internet connection problem!? - Printable Version

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HUGE internet connection problem!? - Matt - 04-28-2014 04:40 PM

I just ordered verizon high speed internet and i have a huge problem. I can only stay on for 5-20min! After that time the internet light on my modem turns off and i cant navigate webpages! It turns back on when ever it wants to it seem's. It could be 30sec or 30min or even sometimes an hour! I don't have a router or anything and some people think its a configuration problem. But how do i fix it? It's supost to be on 24/7 and somedays it works for a couple hours but i would like for it to work all the time. Can you people please give me a solution? (I tryed as much as i could but nothing yet) Please help!
Thank you! "I take all the help i can get"

Ohh yea, and sometimes when i fidle with the phone line (Like call somone with the phone or connect using a dial up connection it turns on for a little bit.)

- nina lov - 04-28-2014 04:43 PM

HUGE internet connection problem