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Should i contact an old friend after we lost contact when i was a bit rude? ( dont want to seem creepy)? - Printable Version

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Should i contact an old friend after we lost contact when i was a bit rude? ( dont want to seem creepy)? - 295 - 04-28-2014 04:45 PM

this person im talking about was my friend for like 11 years and then i was kind of rude to her. After that we kind of lost contact, i found her instagram or i found her online.. but should i comment ? i dont know if she even likes me anymore. I found her because i still had her email in my contacts even tho we arent really friends anymore and its been like 2 or 3 years, so i used my contacts to find people i know on instagram and i just found her. I feel like if i do comment , she might think im weird... I just want to be back in touch and say sorry for being mean. omg sorry if this sounds creepy but i looked on her page and i found that we have some of the same interests if i mention it would it be creepy?. soo helppp? okay , so um i just found that she had an like tumblr ig page too that has like 1k followers. should i comment on that one instead? idk should i say like i just found her tumblr page? oh and also i was rude to her because i had this one friend that didnt like her and i was stupid so i listened to her and like ignored her thats why i was rude. so idk if she actually thought i was rude or not.

- Mary - 04-28-2014 04:59 PM

Send her a note on one or the other, not both. If she responds, she may have an interest in the friendship again.

- Linden Rose ღ - 04-28-2014 05:10 PM

I don't think I would find it creepy if someone messaged me on there. Just tell her that you found her tumbler because you keep the contacts thing and tell her that you are sorry for what you did. It would be a shame to just forget about her when you want to be friends again and let her know that you regret what you did. Tell her why you were mean to her (because a friend didn't like her) and that you now know that it was unfair on her to do that.

If she accepts your apology and she doesn't seem upset, then I think it would be okay to mention that you noticed that you have the same interests and ask her if you could be friends again. But before you do this, just let her know that you're sorry. Do things one step at a time and be careful.

Good luck! I think you have a chance of being friends again. Smile

- Ariel - 04-28-2014 05:24 PM

well i would type my own answer but 'Linden' said everything i would have (: good luck with your friend person