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Girls how do I ask her out? - Printable Version

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Girls how do I ask her out? - CM - 04-28-2014 04:46 PM

A few friends and I went out, at one point I told my friend I wanted to talk to her the first time we met cuz I thought she was really pretty, and had a big heart.

She didn't respond. She just started stroking her hair really fast, so I figured she was weirded out and left, but lately she's been liking all my statuses, when I change my profile pic, and random comments I make to ppl on posts (she's never "liked" anything I posted before), and she's being wicked playful when I saw her.

Like, when I went to help her friend, she was standing in front of me blocking me, so I picked her up around the stomach, moved her out of the way, and she starts laughing and stuff.

Another time I mentioned a friend of mine in a story, and she smiles and goes, "Who's she? someone I should know about?", and other times she does stuff like playfully punches, kicks, and teases me a LOT.

Thing is she's really pretty, and a lot of guys want her. I can hit her up on FB, cuz I feel like if she's liking my stuff that much she wants my attention, but idk how to ask her out cuz I've never been in this situation, and I feel like doing it online looks desperate or weak, and I'd rather do it in person, but I don't see her often, so idk what to do or how to do it, but I don't wanna mess up cuz I get the sense she really likes me :/

- Betty - 04-28-2014 04:48 PM

If you're a real man you will ask her to her face....sending messages on Facebook is pathetic.
Get her to go for a coffee with you and then the saying goes *nothing ventured,nothing gained*