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Why is my Century Link internet connection so awful? - Printable Version

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Why is my Century Link internet connection so awful? - Andrew - 04-28-2014 04:46 PM

We live in a town of around 15-20k people in it, and we used to have decent internet. Due to our rural area, I understand how bad internet connection can be, so we understood most of this problem.
Anyways, we used to have a router and then a seperate wifi signal. We got rid of them due to our internet constantly dropping, and got a Century Link worker to come out and see if he can replace them. He did, and got one machine instead of both the wifi and the router for our internet connection. Ever since then, out connection has been ten times worse. I can't hold a skype call, and constantly go offline and online on steam. I don't even dare to get on youtube, and it has really been frustrating us. We set the connection to one server, and tried resetting the router, and nothing worked. It took all the internet I could save up to type this, so please help. Should we change providers?

- ChiefTenBears - 04-28-2014 04:51 PM

Your century link guy should have been called immediately. You either have a faulty modem/router or the connection he wired up is wrong. Call them now and say your bill should be prorated and a service call needs to be payed.

- Minister of Truth - 04-28-2014 04:57 PM

I've seen grossly incompetent & dishonest techs like those @ Comcast.

talk to a supervisor @ your ISP and paper mail a compliant to your state's regulator of ISP's.

mail it certified, w/ return receipt.

- Boss - 04-28-2014 05:07 PM

Maybe call your ISP they help to speed up your internet connection.