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Would an aquarius use quotes to express his feelings? - Printable Version

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Would an aquarius use quotes to express his feelings? - Intellectualanger849 - 04-28-2014 04:46 PM

I've been talking to this incredible aquarius with a Leo moon and merc in aquarius. He's opening up sooooo slowly.

Of course he won't say what he's feeling, if anything, but he's put up some quotes on FB about being in love and afraid . He never put love quotes before, just comic type stuff.

Can this correlate with me?

- Russell - 04-28-2014 04:54 PM

I'm not an expert on astrology but I do follow it occasionally and I am an Aquarius guy. Right now there's this girl I like but rather than flat-out tell her I like her I've tried to beat around the bush and drop subtle hints. So, I guess I can't speak for this guy but there's a good chance he may like you. If you like him then I say you should tell him because he may be afraid to open up right now and express his feelings. Anyways, sorry for the long response. Good Luck! Smile

- Esparanza - 04-28-2014 05:01 PM

If he's anything like my Aquarius boyfriend he won't come out and say anything vaguely romantic but his action will speak louder than his words. Take it from me, you will need the patience of a saint to date an Aqua man! Are they worth it? Yes, but at times I do wonder......

- Katie - 04-28-2014 05:02 PM

Sure, an Aquarius loves exploring new ideas, so there's a chance any time that they might use quotes to express themselves. Giving an Aquarius room and time is really important, and also to frequently show that you care, especially during the conversation. Keep in mind that they're perceptive, so use your intuition! :-) - Pisces

- Jaja - 04-28-2014 05:04 PM

I agree. You have to be patient. Those quoted may very well be about you on fb.. I rarely ever actually say how I'm feeling in regards to romance but occasionally I post a quote on fb that represents how I feel. I don't post anything like that unless it's relevant to my life somehow. If you want an Aquarius to open up you have to drop your own hints.. Not too subtle that he won't get it but not so full on that you will scare him. Chances are if he's already feeling this way about you he's more afraid of actually being hurt than committing to you. Long story short.. Aquarius is cautious with their heart and because of their need for equality and fairness they will not make any moves unless they feel its 100% mutual.

- Billza7 - 04-28-2014 05:08 PM

Could or could not be you but he's definitely in love. And yes Aquarius use quotes and songs to express their emotions. Try telling him that you love this quote that he posted and discuss its meaning with him. If he's interested in you he's surely going to show some obvious signs. Good luck Big Grin