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How to make a facebook App? - Printable Version

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How to make a facebook App? - M Anthony - 04-28-2014 04:50 PM

I've had an idea for a website. I won't forget about it, but nonoe seems to care. But that's what's supposed to happen.

Instead of making a site.. I suppose making it do it's function through facebook would work great too.
I just read Facebooks builder's room mate who decided to not get in on facebook back in 2004, (his 400 million dollar mistake) now has a app that makes allot of money and supports charities

How are they made? and connected to facebook?.
It says you can make one on there, but can it be Complex??

- Yuuuup - 04-28-2014 04:53 PM

Go to Pick up the marker and write a brief message that you would want to display at Facebook. Lets say, "Welcome to my Imagination."

Click on the Send tab and enter your own email I.D. in the pop-up window. Hit enter.

Open your email account and click on the link that you had self-emailed through "imagination cubed." Make sure the animated message that you had written originally replays accurately. If everything is okay, copy the link from the browser's address box and save it in the notepad.

Log in to your Facebook account. Go to "Applications" and click on the icon "Developers."

Click on the button "Set Up New Application." Enter any catchy name for your application. I used "My Imagination."

Click on the "Optional Fields" link to display the rest of the page. Enter the following information as shown in the photo:For Canvas Page URL: enter a relevant name in the text box, such as "imaginationatwork." The canvas page URL is the page where your application exists at Facebook. Check the radio button "Use iframe."Select a name of your application's tab (which will be visible when a user first adds it to his profile). I used "B's Imagination."Choose "Website" as the Application Type.

Enter the following information (see photo for assistance):Check "Yes" for the option "Can your application be added on Facebook?"Select "Resizable" for "Default Iframe Canvas Size" option.Upload your icons and logos--you can use the same or different pics.Check "users" for "Who can add your application to their Facebook account?"For "Post-Add URL" enter the entire the Canvas page URL. In my case it will be "".

Describe your application briefly under "Application Description."

Paste the link that was emailed from GE (that you had saved in the note pad) in to the "Default FBML" text box.

Enter the Canvas Page URL in the "Side Nav URL" text box.

Under "Callback URL" enter the name of the parent website where your application is hosted. In my case it is the homepage of GE's imagination cubed ( Click "Save."

Congratulations! Your application is ready. Forward it to all your friends. But, there is one more step to be completed before your application becomes fully public. You must submit your application to the Facebook team for review and approval. To do that simply click the "Submit" link displayed against the application under "My Applications."To add any other host site to the application simply replace the "GE imagination cubed" specifics in this algorithm; the rest of the procedure will be the same.

Read more: How to Create a Facebook Application |