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Windows 8 limited connection wifi? - Printable Version

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Windows 8 limited connection wifi? - squarepollution531 - 04-28-2014 04:51 PM

Alright I like to play games like minecraft, runescape, and Elders Scrolls Online on my laptop all internet based games. I have a laptop its a dell inspiron something, with windows 8. When I'm doing something on the internet every like 2 minutes I get disconnected from the games online, and i cant use search engine. I get limited connection on my wifi. To fix it I've been putting it in airplane mode then back of, making it work for like 3 minutes having to do it again, again, and again. Its a hassle and annoying. I use comcast as my wifi provider, and I got there wireless motem they gave me, my brothers pc works fine with it. So if anyone can help me fix this I'll be glad. Thanks! C:

- R T - 04-28-2014 05:00 PM

Check your power profile in Win 8 and turn off the power saving features.

- Norm F - 04-28-2014 05:01 PM

This is usually caused by a weak signal to your WiFi.
What is the signal strength
Move location even if a little may improve signal

- Bassman1 - 04-28-2014 05:02 PM

Go to the support website for your brand wireless router and update the firmware and driver.
Reset the wireless router.
Move close to the router check the signal strength it should show excellent move to your usual spot and check it if it shows low it will disconnect at random times. Relocate router or upgrade to a new router that is Windows 8 compatible and the new version N.

- Patricia - 04-28-2014 05:08 PM

speed based on WiFi