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What can i do for him to notice me?? 10 POINTS!!!? - Printable Version

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What can i do for him to notice me?? 10 POINTS!!!? - immenseoatmeal576 - 04-28-2014 04:52 PM

How can i attract a boy who doesnt seem to like me or pay attention to me much?What can i wear do or say so that he thinks im worthy? Personally i am naturally pretty in some ways and in others not. I dont show alot of skin or wear prosumptious clothing but is that what i have to do?? Do i have to be sexy to be liked? A problem is that im shy at times sometimes i feel confident and show it but there are lots of prettier girls than me and he pays a lot more attention to them, they are.the type that are intimate with many guys. I have never had a boyfriend before im 17 and dont plan on intimacy till im married. What can i doo??? Sad is there signs i could show?

- zubi - 04-28-2014 04:52 PM

Set yourself on fire.

- . - 04-28-2014 05:01 PM

Where sexy yoga pants like these:

- Ebook - 04-28-2014 05:04 PM

nothing, because he expects from you that you approach him. if you dont, get over yourself that he isnt feeding your self-esteem. it is good that he is a good guy who is choosy like that but not cheap like dudes who chase after gals, that means either you back of with a hurt self esteem that yer market value isnt that high that men fall for u or if you realy want him (wich i doubt), you can pursue him too.

- mister-damus - 04-28-2014 05:12 PM

Maybe you can try striking up a conversation with him.

- Fahima - 04-28-2014 05:17 PM

Try to get a conversation going with him but dont go up to him all the time
u want him to sometimes chase after you
Nd you dont want to look desperate
always wear fashionable clothes nd just be ur self
if he doesnt notice you for who you are
dont change so he notices you.
Also smile at him when you c him
this shows that you are friendly nd that u want to get to know him
Carry on doing this
if he smiles back even better
nd if u have an fb account nd he does too
add him as a friend nd start talking to him there
its a lot less nerve wracking texting someone than face to face.
Hope this helps
good luck x