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I've liked a guy for 12 years? - Printable Version

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I've liked a guy for 12 years? - bellywelly - 04-28-2014 04:58 PM

He was my first crush when I was about 12 now 23.. hes my sporting teacher son. Our families became close and I never really talked to him because I liked him.
So I saw him maybe twice a week at the sport for years, we barely spoke

I stopped the sport and didn't see him for a couple years up until beginning 2013 where I saw him a few times here and there.

One night he was drunk and started messaging me on facebook saying nice things and he wants to hang out etc in the next few weeks. He was very upfront about it, but the next day he must of reread it and got embarrassed because I never heard from him about it.

Then I see him at a tavern and I'm with a guy, he ignored me completely and messages me asking if that was my boyfriend then stopped talking to me for a few weeks/months.

THEN, last night at his sisters 'fuction/party' when he first sees me he very obviously fled to the other side of the room and kept distance from me all night. He had a few drinks and decided to come over to my 'group' and stand right behind me, started making completely random conversation until he got pulled away by his friends.

A few hours later and I'm leaving, I hug him bye and then he goes ' oh so i just get a one arm hug'... so I have him a proper hug.. and no joke infront of his entire family he says Love you.. and if you sell me your pony then I'll take you on a date. His mum yells he likeees you. So that was last night, do I wait for him to contact me or what do i do

- Christina - 04-28-2014 05:00 PM

Call him on the phone and ask him to dinner. Let us know what happens... Sounds like he has many feelings for u.

- Rose - 04-28-2014 05:04 PM

Go get him! If you don't this little game of tag may continue for a long time. He obviously likes you a lot. Be brave and make the first move. Some guys need the first step to be taken by you, he may just be shy if so.

- mikaela - 04-28-2014 05:11 PM

Text him a funny joke like "I've got the pony lets go on a date" and always add an lol at the end or a haha to not make it so awkward.