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Soda spilt on laptop? - Printable Version

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Soda spilt on laptop? - Lazy-assedhorn729 - 04-28-2014 04:58 PM

My mom and sister spilt soda on the back of the laptop. My mom says is wasn't a lot, but then my sister says it was a good bit. Anyways, the computer turns on, but the screen doesn't. I have files on there that I NEED is there anyway to fix it? If not, is there a way I can hack into it and get my files? It's a Google Chrome laptop. Brand new.

- Edmond - 04-28-2014 05:04 PM

There is a good chance that something in the laptop shorted out (probably the graphics card, although the motherboard could also have been affected). Assuming you have warranty and that it covers liquid damage, then you can have it fixed by the factory / repair shop for free. Otherwise, expect to pay a fee to replace the damaged parts.

However, if this is impossible (as in the laptop is effectively lost) and your HD is undamaged, you can disassemble your laptop and pull out the hard drive, add a USB adapter to it, and use your newly-created external hard drive with another computer to pull any data off of it.

- craig b - 04-28-2014 05:07 PM

Craig B answered 4 mins ago

Contact They fixed my boss' iphone 5 twice after getting wet and I know they've saved laptops and tablets too. They said they've saved phones dropped in pitchers of beer so I bet they can save from soda too. Their patented process works in 30 minutes and they only charge if rescued. If you're not near their store they will overnight deliver back and forth.

Whatever you do, don't power it up or charge it until absolutely sure it is dry or you'll short more stuff out and advance corrosion