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NEED GUYS ANSWER: is he interested? or busy? - Printable Version

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NEED GUYS ANSWER: is he interested? or busy? - largepet734 - 04-28-2014 05:01 PM

Hi so 2 weeks ago I went out with my friend and her friends. One of her guy friends started to pursue me literally within minutes of me walking into the bar. Him and i were talking alone and he asked if i was seeing anyone, i replied "no" and he said "how are you not with anyone." we talked for a bit and actually had stuff in common so the convo wasn't awkward at all. He then ended up kissing me and asked what i thought about him. he told me he thought i was so cute and adorable. We ended up dancing and kissing basically the rest of the night. he wanted me to go back to his friends house, not to have sex or anything (he made that clear) but to hang out. i didnt go back with him. he texted me later that night saying how he wanted to hang out. he then texted me the next day and i invited him out for my bday. i didnt hear from him at all for the rest of the week until he texted me on friday night (4/18) saying happy birthday. later in the convo he said he wasnt going to be able to come out bc he had to work a double but that he wanted to "definitely do something soon.'

I didnt hear from him until he liked my instagram pic this past monday. i then texted him yesterday to see what he was doing this weekend. He told me he had to work tonight and that he is going to his brothers apartment tmw but he was going to find out for sure.

is he interested? or not at all.
do you think he is busy? thanks =)

- Jack - 04-28-2014 05:10 PM

wake up girl this guy is totally interested. yes he has a job and other things that take up his schedule. he made a point to remember your birthday, what else do you need

- Love big words - 04-28-2014 05:14 PM

"he and I"
and congratulations on not having sex before you met his Mom
He's very busy with his wife and child but he will get back to you, maybe you can have sex then!