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Can I make Money by Internet blogging? - Printable Version

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Can I make Money by Internet blogging? - Jenessa - 04-28-2014 05:04 PM

Im an unemployed transgender woman who has tried nonstop to find a job, came across a few blogs from people who claim to be making the "dough" simply by blogging from home. I haven't been given the chance to actually work. I love to write and if I can make money from Blogging I would love to do it.
I would also like to know how to get it all ready and done!

- Doodled - 04-28-2014 05:11 PM

Yes you can but it might take years.

Most people who claim to be making the "dough" simply by blogging are then trying to flog you a book or service about how to make money by blogging. If you had a look in their bank accounts you would be as disappointed as they are.

You can set up a blog for free on WordPress and put some Google Ads on it. You'll need about 100 visitors to make $1 depending on your field. If it's not one that appeals to advertisers they won't make high bids and you won't earn much when someone clicks.

Your better off to think of your blog in multiple ways. Write it as a service where you are putting genuinely useful information out there (this will get people to link to you so you rank better in the search engines). Allow people to comment (this creates extra content for your site) and discuss their comments with them on your blog.

Then one day ... that day could be months or years coming ... you will start to establish yourself as an authority in the field. Not only will you be able to start earning from advertisements, you can also promote your own book or film or whatever.

The tricky bit is getting to that "one day" and it's where most people usually give up and fail.

- errold - 04-28-2014 05:15 PM

3 Internet Marketing Tips for Small Businesses
Posted by errol01 in Uncategorized. 1 Comment | Edit
1. Internet marketing is not a business model or a replacement for marketing basics
There’s a certain amount of confusion around this what Internet marketing really is. For some, Internet marketing is a business model – i.e. you have built an Internet based business. But for most small businesses, the Internet is a new media channel that can be used to reach your target market.
If you view Internet Marketing as another tool in your toolbox, then your mindset changes and you canapply basic marketing concepts to your efforts – that is who is my target audience, where can I find them and why would they want to connect and do business with my company?
2. Internet marketing is not a quest for the most likes, followers and friends
Internet marketing is about building relationships and gaining visibility within your target market. Unfortunately there is something inherently important about fan counts, and it is human nature for people to check out your company profile on Facebook or Twitter and instantly judge them based on the metric of followers, friends or fans. But having many fake or uninterested followers does not help your business. So although growing your Facebook fans or Twitter followers organically seems tedious, those who follow you may actually care about and support your business. Using a service to quickly add 2000 fans only hurts you in the long run if you plan to do anything to market to these fans or followers.
3. Internet marketing is not about chasing the next new shiny object
Internet marketing is about creating a solid marketing plan, staying the course, evaluating your results and then modifying your activities as needed. I advise small business owners to create a marketing plan that’s flexible, can adapt to changes as the Internet evolves and fits your specific needs and overall marketing strategy. Not every new and improved online tool will be right for your business.
How does a small business owner effectively market their business online when they are trying to run their business on a day to day basis?
For many small businesses, it may seem that marketing gets more complicated and more confusing by the day, with constant changes to the technology and new platforms claiming help your business become more visible in the search engines.
The good news is that Internet marketing has transformed into a more sensible activity for small businesses, incorporating content marketing, search engine marketing including local search and social media marketing as the primary activities. The key is to find someone who you can work with who is knowledgeable about marketing and keeps up with the latest in this space. Doing so can help you focus on your base business, which is what you do best as a local business owner.
What are your favorite Internet marketing tips that can help other small businesses?
Start your small business on the internet here: