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How do you get traffic on a website that has no recognizable text, only image? - Printable Version

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How do you get traffic on a website that has no recognizable text, only image? - Josh - 04-28-2014 05:05 PM

My website is 100% image, all the content, the buttons, everything is comprised of images, even the text is all in .png form. Is there any way to get traffic to my website even though there aren't any keywords for google to pick up on?

What are other popular (possibly free) ways to get traffic to a website?

- Jake - 04-28-2014 05:14 PM

Perhaps a bunch of social site accounts where you do have some text as well as sample images, links from other sites would help your ranking but it may be all in Google image search which is firstly where people go to steal graphics off of sites. Pinterest is one of those graphic site indexes...

Your fighting an up hill battle not having text, descriptive image file names as well as alt text tags helps their findability in Google image search, and maybe can help get keyword matches in regular search.

A source code page meta description is often where the search result summary text comes from, consider adding a blog section that would get text search matches.

- Mike S - 04-28-2014 05:20 PM

Depending upon which website hosting company you are can add key words for people doing search on the internet for your business....if your promoting a product or a work at home opportunity add those tags to the search terms....then add your website for free at the Google URL free submission......

Advertise your domain name on free classified ad sites as well as making a blog and then adding backlinks to your domain and blog.

- Vincent - 04-28-2014 05:29 PM

Read the article on the below link and you will get your answer :


- Gokul - 04-28-2014 05:34 PM

IT is very simple to generate traffic in free.
Only follow these steps.

Give name to your images.
like if image name is 001.png (a 3d Doll Image) Than name it 3d doll instead of 0001.png.

Create a group in and invite friends from your facebook account to join that group and start sending mail via group. This will give you so much traffic. Believe me this is much better than

- J - 04-28-2014 05:40 PM

the SE spidebots rely heavy on the text of course. name your pages (titles) on your site with relevant keywords as well as the meta descriptions. make sure that your image is named with relevant keywords as well, also that the alt and title attributes of each image has the proper keywords in place ...all of this the bots do pick up and the SEs index it

the meta keywords are being used less and less by the SEs, but it does not hurt to have relevancy there as well

- David - 04-28-2014 05:44 PM

I think you are embarking on an interesting experiment.
A picture is not worth a thousand words.
The web robots search for words.
I think your site will have to become famous for being wordless so people will go there out of curiosity.
So if you don't have a killer, memorable name I'd say you're doomed.

Sorry, just my opinion.

- Fabian - 04-28-2014 05:49 PM

You can use some of the following methods to drive more traffic to your website:

- PPC (like google adwords, but there are lots of other PPC services) - paid traffic
- Video Marketing (especially YouTube)
- here at Yahoo! Answers
- submit articles about your topic
- Squidoo and Hubpages
- Blog commenting
- Forum posting
- Craigslist
- email marketing
- Ad Swaps / Solo Ads - paid traffic