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Do you ever get involved in political or religious discussions on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Do you ever get involved in political or religious discussions on Facebook? - MortalGuardian - 04-28-2014 05:06 PM

Does it bother me if others reveal their views on politics or religion on Facebook? Well, to be truthful, if I happen to agree with those views, it doesn't. I wonder why.

I haven't always been reluctant to share my own personal views on politics and religion on Facebook. I have occasionally posted things that made my point of view rather obvious. But for the most part, I avoid getting involved in political or religious discussions on Facebook. I kind of feel as if it is inappropriate. Why? Well, I suppose I prefer peace to battle. I am very opinionated and stubborn- especially about politics and religion. Because I am aware of this, I know that it could be perilous for me to get up on a soapbox and preach on FB. Not everyone will like and agree with my views, and I understand this. I'm strongly introverted, and I do not handle confrontation well at all. Could this be why I prefer not to get into heated debate on FB with friends and family?

Perhaps you or someone you know likes to stir the pot a little on Facebook. I don't advocate censorship. I support the freedom of speech. But it sometimes bothers me if people I know on FB start pontificating about their personal beliefs about gay marriage, abortion, politics, etc.

Do you try to avoid discussing politics and religion on FB? Why?

- Richard - 04-28-2014 05:11 PM

No, it is really wired to do so.
I don't like it.
Hope you also . . .

- Camille - 04-28-2014 05:17 PM

I never go on facebook.