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Why did my ex from 15 yrs ago unblock me? - Printable Version

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Why did my ex from 15 yrs ago unblock me? - no1knowsaboutit - 04-28-2014 05:07 PM

I am a person that has always been friends with an ex after we split up. I tried to remain friends with my hs sweetheart of 3.5 years. He called & emailed me the first year after we split.
We lost contact eventually. After my divorce, I discovered his aunt and I worked at the same place. She found me and yelled my name. She was thrilled to see me. She ran to me, hugged me tight, then asked how I'd been. I told her I was divorced. She instantly tried hooking me up with my ex. She said she and the family hoped we'd marry. 3yrs ago, I stumbled over his fb while on a mutual friends fb. I sent a friendly email saying, "Hi." explaining about how his aunt suggested I say hello. He blocked me. I let it go. I'm not pushy. Last year I saw his fb prof. while on my friend's fb. We went 12 yrs with no contact. His aunt insisted 9 years after we split that I try contacting him. Why did he block me without ever responding, then unblock me? Before we lost contact (I moved) he still contacted me. Why did his aunt insist I contact him??? Did he unblock me to see if I'm single? To check my fb from time to time?

- Courtney♫ - 04-28-2014 05:12 PM

This may sound familiar to all of us- but sometimes we tend to create stories inside our heads, that really have nothing to do with the present. I used to do it with my exes, where we would break up and I would look at their online profiles… make up some silly story in my head about them, and delete them in anger… He could have done that. Been angry, blocked, got over it, unblocked.

Another possibility is that he couldn't stand to see you potentially pop up on his computer screen, or be reminded of you, because you were getting on with your life… he could've missed you terribly and it just plain hurt to see you. Again, I know this because of friends who've gone through the same thing, as well as myself. Unless he is suggesting he is interested in your relationship status, I wouldn't assume it. He is probably matured now and is ready for contact!

Nothing personal, it just happens Smile