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My BF is FB friends with the woman I hate? - Printable Version

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My BF is FB friends with the woman I hate? - petitefood794 - 04-28-2014 05:07 PM

He knows I hate her. She flirts with him, although I'm told he doesn't flirt back. She tried to friend me also but I ignored it. We all work together (bad, I know). And I'm out for surgery for a couple weeks. Now I see they're FB friends. Should I assume he's cheating? I don't know, does FB mean anything? I've told him I don't like her. Why would he effin friend her? Should I ask him about it?
Idk who made the request. I assume she did. But who knows?

- zed10096 - 04-28-2014 05:16 PM

ask him but dont make a big deal about it. dont come across as jealous. did he make the fb request or did she? next time you see them flirting make a joke and say dont be flirting with my boyfriend. but try not too come across as jealous or yoy might drive them together