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How to use tags to keep stories together SEO Facebook Google MSN Yahoo? - Printable Version

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How to use tags to keep stories together SEO Facebook Google MSN Yahoo? - Darren T - 04-28-2014 05:10 PM

I wound like to know what the best way of being able to bring a story line which has been posted on social media in party back together in order using social search and maybe some tags does anyone has any advice pls.

- Scott - 04-28-2014 05:12 PM

My guess is that you already know all your options to bring the story together. Copy paste seems like the answer. Any method of doing this with tags or hyperlinking tricks would not be a quality job and would open the door to a possible engine algorithm penalty. Less peace-of-mind is not good.

Sounds like someone needs help in overcoming procrastination. The work of doing it the only way you know how is burdonsome. Patience is key.

I am guessing, but it looks like noone here wants to answer a question from one who is not motivated to do the work. Maybe the story line is not one of your favorites? Interest in the story line is key.