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i have a serious problem? internet friends? - Printable Version

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i have a serious problem? internet friends? - kawaii - 04-28-2014 05:11 PM

Back when i was 13, i am now 18, i got involved with the internet.
it's a long story, but i'll try and cut it as short as possible.
i got involved with the wrong internet crowd.
mainly trolls and hackers.
i dated one on the internet and used to date alot of them on the internet (weird i know)
so i sort of cheated on one of them with another, they have my nudes, and used them against me for years, i also had theirs but i didn't and refused to stoop to their level and use them against them.
i turned into their puppet, and i felt emotionally abused, and since i on't have a family or no friends at the time, they gave me the attention that i craved, i craved love, and i thought that they gave me it.
they didn't, they ended up turning evil.
well anyways, a year ago i finally moved on from the, got away blocked them on EVERYTHING and ANYTHING, but they keep making new accounts and harassing me.
they stop, then decide to start again, im currently in a relationship, i tried to explain some of it to him, but he just didn't understand, but i haven't told him all. he thinks it's just utterly weird.
i don't know what to do, im so scared and treading on eggshells all of the time, i changed my privacy settings on facebook so only my FRIENDS can contact me, but somehow, they still contact, please help, i don't have any clue what to do.
the story is way longer, but this is as short as i can get it Sad
im scared they'll message my mum or boyfriend on facebook too, i just don't know what to do, i didn't do anything wrong apart from send nudes to them, which was fucking stupid, i just dont know anymore. i give up .
my current relationship is real life, i dont even know why i even dated people online, thats just so weird

- nonchalant_muse - 04-28-2014 05:18 PM

Is your current "relationship" also on the internet?

If not, my suggestion would be to stay away from the internet for awhile. Temporarily delete all your social network accounts (you can re-activate them later) only check email that is absolutely necessary (like the ones to pay your bills or that you use for work) and get yourself away from the computer during your free time. Try to meet people in real life and make some friends. You're not doing yourself any favors by immersing yourself in this virtual world you have created.

If your current "relationship" is on the internet, you need to step away from that too. Either meet the guy in person or take a break from him. "Dating" on the internet isn't really dating anyway, you can't physically interact with the person and you can never form a strong connection. You need real, live people in your life, that is what you are missing.

- Judy B - 04-28-2014 05:25 PM

I'm a mom and neither me nor my children have had this type of problem so take that in mind when you read this. Get off the radar and lay low for awhile, If your "significant other" is a flesh and blood maintain contact with that person and only a few choice people you completely trust, preferably friends you can see, feel and trust. Use a disposable phone and stay off Facebook. it's very hard to actually stop a Facebook account so the more accounts you make the more opportunities to find you. after awhile it gets boring to talk to a blank page so hopefully they will stop. it sounds like there's already damage thats been done such as the nude pics and there's not much to do about that.You're going to have to make some electronic sacrafices for a bit but it may be necessary.

- Carling - 04-28-2014 05:33 PM

Advice don't worry about it, If they do the worst it will all blow over in a couple of weeks, what you have done is human nature, I bet your mum has more than a few indiscretions in her passed, she likes to keep secrete, We all have. We learn from our mistakes in life, Stick your nose in the air, head high walk tall and be proud to know you have learned a valuable lesson.