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How to advertise an etsy account?!? - Printable Version

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How to advertise an etsy account?!? - Lauren Marie - 04-28-2014 05:18 PM

How do I advertise my etsy account. Right now I sell lampwork bracelets and rings. This is my store. Please tell me what you think I need to improve.

- braveSamurai997 - 04-28-2014 05:25 PM

Well, you definitely do NOT advertise it here on Yahoo Answers. Here, it is considered 'spamming' to do that and it can get you reported and even suspended, sorry.

You can blog about it, you can tweet it, you can post it on your Facebook account. You can get friends to do the same for you. You can go to the "Community" section of etsy itself (top left) and go to the FORUMS, where people are always self-promoting. Those are just a few suggestions to start with.