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Do you think my crush is interested in me? Also why do I feel worthless when I see him? 10 points!? - Printable Version

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Do you think my crush is interested in me? Also why do I feel worthless when I see him? 10 points!? - me - 04-28-2014 05:22 PM

*repost* just because I wanted to see more advice.
So I was in college last semester with a group of girls in the cafe when two boys who are my friends' friends walked up and I instantly crushed on one of them. He had SUCH an angelic smile and he was so shy and he kept looking at me too. I asked my friend a bit of information about him and I looked at his Facebook and IG off of hers, he is so interesting, and unique which I really liked. I found out he's two years younger than me (which put me off) he's 18 and I'm 20. I thought I can just forget him but I can't. I see him this semester a lot! Anyway, I can't gather the guts to talk to him. But it seems odd as he's always there. Sometimes he would randomly walk next to me and when I look he locks my eyes and stops when I turn around. He stands behind me for two minutes getting closer to me then leaves to class. And when he's sitting down at the cafe and I start walking to class, he would stand up as well and start walking where I'm going with his friend, except that he walks on the other side. He's done this 3x already. He's always looking at me. Do you think he likes me? 

One more thing, I dont know why but every time I see him I get so happy but I also feel worthless. I feel like he's so much better looking than me, and that he wouldn't ever like someone like me. I mean he hangs with pretty girls. So why me? I get so depressed and it hurts. I just don't know what to do. Any help?

- anyarobinwood - 04-28-2014 05:24 PM

Yous haven't even talked yet! Them incidents sound v random and you're just overthinking them cos you have a crush on him. He might like you but yous haven't even talked yet - he might not be as interesting as you think.

Feeling worthless...well d'you think he could do better than you? That he's out of your league? You're probably thinking he's way too good for you, so you feel like nothing when around him. If you talked to him, you'd feel much better because you'd know that he doesn't look down at you.

- Cheyenne - 04-28-2014 05:33 PM

Well make sure you know a few stuff about your crush before you ask him out or something cause that happened to me, I got my friend to message my crush and she did and she asked him dukes he like me and he said no cause I'm ugly as s**t and then I got his number and messages him and he was calling me mean and nasty names and I should have listened to my guy friend cause my guy friend told me that my crush was a ass hole and I did not listen to him which I should have cause now I know a little more about my crush(not anymore), he is a ass hole just like my guy friend told me