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How can I block a site that cannot be unblocked ? - Printable Version

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How can I block a site that cannot be unblocked ? - Graison - 04-28-2014 05:25 PM

I mean i have to block that site (like porn site because i want to leave watching it ) permanently .

I have tried extensions but i have disable it and enter that site and started watching again and then i felt so guilty .

So i want to block sites that cannot be unblocked .

please help me

I have also prayed to God with all my heart to change my desires . But I ain't got any answers .
And I again started doing my old job . So please help me

- i + i - 04-28-2014 05:29 PM

The only way you could do this
is by installing some parental
control software and giving
someone else the password
to it, then asking them to set
up the blocking for you. The
only REAL solution is to grow
up and stop fretting about stuff
like that. And what does your old
job have to do with any of this?

- Seger - 04-28-2014 05:31 PM

When i highly recommend using to unblock internet sites. I've been with them since 4 years.