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My bf hasnt contacted me in 2days.. :/? - Printable Version

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My bf hasnt contacted me in 2days.. :/? - mammoth685 - 04-28-2014 05:26 PM

Today, its our 1month anniversary. He's 16,
Im 15. We generally DM each other on
Twitter. He replies after hours. But yesterday
he replied at 7'50pm and its been 24hrs
that he hasnt replied. We are in
lonnnnggggg distance relationship and love
each other alot. What to do? Im upset as
Also, we broke up after 1month relationship,
then we were apart for a month, and he got
back to me. He was the one who broke up.
He says he loves me the most. He cant live if
I'll die. I trust him. What shall I do? Also, shall I text him?

- Nancee - 04-28-2014 05:28 PM

Aww poor you poor baby.....
Maybe I Internet is down or he is on holiday but forgot to tell you?!

- Allyson - 04-28-2014 05:30 PM

please whatever you do dont chase him
have you heard of the elastic band theory?
guys are like elastic bands they need to strech from time to time they need space!
give him his space and after a while of streching he'll spring back to normal position hope i helped Smile
good luck
and thanks for answeri g my Q