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why are the youtube thumbnails blank? - Printable Version

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why are the youtube thumbnails blank? - scrawnyrifle296 - 04-28-2014 05:30 PM

i use google chrome as my browser and ive noticed that the video thumbnails are all blank. on the homepage and in the suggested videos as well. they are all blank. and ive also noticed that when im going through my subscription videos it wont let me use the 'load more' button, ill click on it over and over again and all that happens is its highlighted around the edges of the button. this is really annoying because im subscribed to a lot of people and i cant see all the videos all of them have recently uploaded. ive already tried restarting my computer, closing the youtube tab, refreshed the page, ect. and nothings worked. its been like this for a few days and i hate the fact that theyre all blank. ive also noticed that the comments wont even load nor will the thing that says 'share' and add to' work and it sucks because i was going to favorite a video and it wouldnt let me, i waited for like 10 minutes and it wouldnt load i even tried refreshing the page and nothing happened. what do i do to fix this problem and why is it like this?

- Panhead - 04-28-2014 05:35 PM

sounds like a browser extension/add-on could be causing the problem

I'd try disabling them ....all at once, or one at a time in an effort to pinpoint the culprit

the problem might not occur if you use a different browser - it's always good to know if a problem is browser-specific or not

- inukjuak90 - 04-28-2014 05:38 PM

The answer is simple!

Your ''Cache'' (Temp Internet Files), "Virtual Memory'' and/or "PageFiling'' may be full
and cannot take anymore.  Simply delete your Cache (plus "Cookies" and "History"),
then clear your Memory with a shutdown & reboot.  Afterwards, you will freak at how
good and trouble-free your YouTube will be.

→  ≡  or wrench  → Tools  →  Clear browsing data
→  the beginning of time ▼
[x] Clear browsing history
[x] Empty the cache
[x] Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data
→  Clear browsing data

Don't forget to totally shutdown+reboot afterwards.
