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Ways to impress a potential employer....? - Printable Version

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Ways to impress a potential employer....? - Desirae - 04-28-2014 05:33 PM

I recently had a job interview.. it was 5 days ago and want to follow up on it with a thank you note.. i dont really know what to say in it.. i already thanked the employer twice at the interview itself so i dont know if i should say something similar or just give her another thank you for the interview. Im baking cookies right now and i was thinking about bringing some of them to her along with a thank you note.. would it be inappropriate to give her some cookies along with the thank you note???

- MYRTEL - 04-28-2014 05:38 PM

Do not do anything else. She is not your pal.

- robert m - 04-28-2014 05:47 PM

Not if its a professional job, depends what it is really. I'd just leave it or of they didn't tell you the process/timescales involved go back and ask them

- J - 04-28-2014 05:53 PM

The simplest way to differentiate yourself from the herd is to keep your name and credentials in front of them.

send an email, reminding them of your qualifications and desire to work there. find one thing from the news or their site or advertising that they are doing and mention it prominently and wish them the best with whatever project.

Send a note (by post) saying thank you, but reminding them of your good points and your willingness to do 'what needs done'.

follow up with a phone call, be pleasant, ask if there is anything else they need from you to help choose you