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How do I tell my parents I cut? - Printable Version

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How do I tell my parents I cut? - Ungratefulcast347 - 04-28-2014 05:33 PM

A couple months ago my mom was looking at my Instagram and saw that I was following people who cut and she said it was selfish and stuff. At that time I didn't cut but now I do and I want help but I don't know how to tell them. I told my best friend about a month ago and it seems easier to talk to her then my parents. I am horrible at talking to them so I usually text them or something but this is too serious to just text " Hey mom and dad, I cut myself! xo bye! ".

- Ethan - 04-28-2014 05:34 PM

stop cutting yourself, it isn't cool

- Alice Jones - 04-28-2014 05:42 PM

the best thing is to just tell them face to face this a serious matter though I the urge to do cut myself sometimes but then I think of how that's not going to make my problems go away. it is better to probably go spend the weekend somewhere peaceful I don't know for you but for me my mom drives me insane but you have to resist the urge to cut your self. but try talking it out with a counselor or someone who really cares it is good you told your friend though

- Crista - 04-28-2014 05:48 PM

Write them a letter. A serious letter. Do the whole "Dear so-and-so" thing. Make sure your parents know exactly whats up.

- Earl - 04-28-2014 05:54 PM

dont cut or tell
answerm ine

- Daiza - 04-28-2014 06:02 PM

Okay. I have no idea why you cut whatever, but this is for people who already answered the question that are saying "stop cut". That's like telling someone who's depressed to be happy and someone with anxiety to just stop being so worried. Sure, it might be like a "fashion trend" these days, but those that cut always have an issue, whether they feel like no one cares about them and they want attention or they are just depressed.

Anyways, I definitely don't have an exact solution to the problem. In your situation, I wouldn't want to tell them at all unless you really want help. In that case, I wouldn't go for the formal letter or texting approach. Just a normal dinner together and tell them you need help with something.

I'm not a therapist, counselor, or anything, but I'll be there if you want me to just listen. +Daisy Z. (The Monster Within) on Google+. You can share a private message with me if you ever need someone. Smile

- Autumn - 04-28-2014 06:09 PM

Stop cutting. Do you see 3rd world starving kids do it? No. It does nothing to help.