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How to get American Netflix in Ireland on ps3? - Printable Version

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How to get American Netflix in Ireland on ps3? - MidnightDemon734 - 04-28-2014 05:35 PM

So about a week ago i got American Netflix on my ps3 by using PRIMARY DNS: and secondary DNS: and it was working great until about an hour ago. I was watching an episode of a tv series and when it was over I clicked the next one and it was loading and then a message came up saying 'this title is unavailable for instant streaming' so I did that network test on Netflix and all the servers came up with a tick beside them and so did the internet connection but nothing on netflix would load. So I did a network test in ps3 settings and the IP address came up as succeeded but the internet connection failed so nothing else came up. All of it was working fine all week and earlier today but it just stopped working all of a sudden. My PSN doesn't work either with the DNS it just comes up as 'there is no connection. This is a DNS error' I need help it all just stopped working! I am stuck with the Irish Netflix and it's terrible it has like nothing so if anyone could help me it would be much appreciated!

- The Shadow™ ® - 04-28-2014 05:39 PM

It sounds like netflix software detected you using a dns server to get out of region content and blocked you , you can get away with using the dns servers for a while but eventually you get blocked and they block all dsn servers from your ip address

you'll have to use local netflix if it's available or another streaming service

- Bob - 04-28-2014 05:49 PM

SmartDNS is your only option I guess, see there is a free DNS provider listed.