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I want to end my friendship with my best friend!!!? - Printable Version

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I want to end my friendship with my best friend!!!? - MerryKnight313 - 04-28-2014 05:35 PM

I honestly hate her soo much! Every time I got a new friend she was there to steal them away from me. I got pissed from one thing she said. I told her I want to become a wwe diva when I am old enough. So she said " I want to become an actress. But I will be a wwe diva too." Well first if she does do that I know she will get it she is prettier than me. She has to be better than me in every situation! If I am the center of attention she will talk loud to make sure she is too. She thinks she is always right and if someone says she is wrong she will flip out!! Over 95% of what she says is drama related. Its like she only wants to be friends is so she can gossip about everyone.She copies me on instagram too. I post a pic of my cat, she did her dog, I did a ifunny and wonderpolls post, so she did both too. She also steals all of my sayings. Did I mention that she lies all the time!!!!! One of the friends I made and she stole we were talking about Joey Gr aceffa. First I know she has no idea who that is. And she says OMG I LOVE HIM!! so I say a quote from him and she says it one more time but louder so she gets the credit. She has no personality of her own so she steals mine.I JUST WANNA PUNCH HER SOO BAD. I want the friendship to end. But I dont know how. Please help! She is making my life miserable!

- Farrah Eck - 04-28-2014 05:36 PM

So long as you're aware someone like that is going to gossip about you the second you tell her she's a horrible friend, it doesn't matter how you stop being friends. I personally would take the just straight stop talking to her and when she confronts you let her know you stopped talking to her because she isn't important enough for you to go the extra mile for anymore. Attention wh***'s hate that. But don't go too far with it, even if you cannot stand her, you don't wanna stoop too low (also, it doesn't really sound like it's worth the effort, since she would feed off of the drama).

- Miiakoda - 04-28-2014 05:43 PM

Hate and friend should never be used in the same sentence. Life is too short to spend with people we hate.
Sometimes a gradual drifting from an undesirable friend is the best thing to do, it is far better to part on civil terms than end a friendship with an explosive fight. It's the more mature thing to do.

Do you have other people you could go and hang about with. If yes then start hanging out with them more and see less and less of her. If not then start talking to other people in class and see who you get along with. As you begin to find likeminded people you could see potentially becoming your friends then maybe try hanging out with them sometime and gradually increase the number of days you are with them and reduce the number of days you are with her.

Although this friend sounds annoying she does sound very insecure so do try to consider her feelings and don't set out to deliberately hurt her. Don't leave her all on her own with no friends if it can be avoided as sometimes insecure people have annoying habits and treat their friends strangely. Maybe first you need to confront her first and point out the annoying aspects of her behaviour, tell her how the things she does makes you feel. Maybe she just needs to have it pointed out to her and she'll stop. Some peoples brains are wired strangely and they seem to lack basic social skills and don't seem to understand why certain behaviours are not appropriate. If she refuses to listen then I say go ahead and leave her, be hang out with other people and try to move on at least you tried to reason with her and at least you tried to be a good friend and help her out.

- Paul - 04-28-2014 05:53 PM

lol facesitting Tongue

- Will - 04-28-2014 05:54 PM

next time you see her act really sad, then start hulking up, give her three stiff right hands a big boot and then a leg drop