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world of war craft - internet connection? - Printable Version

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world of war craft - internet connection? - Vulgarlamp681 - 04-28-2014 05:36 PM

hi again for the 4th time i am wondering i have asked alot of questions about world of war craft and i am wondering do you need a high internet connection? my download speed is 26KB/S i live away from the big city's will this matter ? i have played online games before and they were ok speed but all the files were on the other end so will it be faster since it's on my computer?

- Traxex - 04-28-2014 05:41 PM

If you have Limewire, Bitorrent, etc etc. Close them!

They will help your internet.

- Mark - 04-28-2014 05:45 PM

It depends on what you want to do in WoW. You don't need an excellent connection to level your toon and what not, but if you are planning on raiding you should make sure you have a very stable and fast internet connection. The thing that causes lag in normal circumstances is when the information that Blizzard's servers are trying to send you is too much for your connection to process at once therefore causing a delay in processing speed via your online connection. I would say you are fine to go no matter what. If you have an in game latency of more than 500 I would seriously recommend either getting a new ISP with better speed or finding another game to play. also, recognize that some of your in game lag may not be induced by a faulty connection. It could also be caused by your actual computer's processing speed (or lack of). Take into account that WoW is a high graphics quality game and requires a good amount of computer processing power. So if your video card is old or you don't have at least a duo core processor you will get loads of lag. You can reduce this lag by going to video options and setting everyhting to the lowest setting (this will improve a bad latency from a crappy internet connection as well.)

Hope This Helps!!