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How to deal with friends like these? - Printable Version

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How to deal with friends like these? - Mrs. Oliver Wood - 04-28-2014 05:38 PM

For anonymity sake, -rolls eyes- let's call them Airyauna (air ee awn ah) and Charlotte. Airyauna is 2 years older than me, but a grade below me. Charlotte is 2 months older than me, a grade below me and same grade as Airyauna. The three of us are friends. Problem is, when one is with me, they'll trash talk the other, and talk highly about and to me, but when they're together or with their other friends (I'm not in their group of friends, we don't get along) they'll trash talk me both behind my back and around me. They only stop if they see me with another one of our mutual friends (Tyffanii) because she's threatened to beat the group leader up if they don't leave me alone.

The group (minus Airyauna and Charlotte) have in the past; repeatedly false flagged my facebook, YouTube channel, Tumblr and attempted to hack my AOL and iCloud email accounts.

- Ether 12:37 - 04-28-2014 05:40 PM

Tell them that you don't appreciate it when they trash talk you or any of your other friends. Tell them true friends would never do that. Find new friends if they continue to talk behind your back. "Friends" like that aren't worth the time. True friends love each other no matter what, and would never slander like that.

- Lilylily - 04-28-2014 05:41 PM

Let them talk behind your back , who cares, i know this isn't the right thing but hang out with some of your classmates and just trash talk them on from of them so they'll notice you don't appreciate what they do. if they got mad and dumped you , then again who cares, as long as you have your class friends every thing will be just alright. But if you want to keep this friendship going, then don't talk behind their backs , just don't hang out with them often. Also i recommend you to ignore them and just don't let them fill up your mind because that might even make you angry .

hope i helped