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What are some reasons that my new boyfriend doesn't have a Facebook? - Printable Version

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What are some reasons that my new boyfriend doesn't have a Facebook? - Zzzzzzz - 04-28-2014 05:44 PM

I tried looking up his name on Facebook and a Facebook profile came up that had no friends, no picture, NOTHING. It didn't list a city and state, so for all I know it could be anybody. I always see him using his phone and it seems that he is on google or something. Im not the one to snoop through someone's phone. It just makes me wonder why in 2014 why someone doesn't have a Facebook. He does have a important job with the county. So what you think? He is in his 20s.

- Bryan - 04-28-2014 05:53 PM

Men don't like drama, try to avoid it, but people trying to be center of attention have to bring it online. Of course that's just one reason that I'm well aware of. It could also be he just doesn't care for one, it's not that big of a deal. Try not to think too much into to it. If it bothers you so much, just ask him, being his girlfriend should have its perks. Smile

- dave j - 04-28-2014 06:00 PM

Having a Facebook is not... repeat... NOT some sort of social obligation. Not everyone "runs with the pack". Many people don't have a Facebook and I am one of them and proud of it. If somone wants to know something about me they can ask me via person to person communication....remember that? My social life is excellent and I see no narcisstic reason to be a slave to social networking. My God what a huge "monkey see, monkey do" entity the world has become.

- couch - 04-28-2014 06:03 PM

He could be too busy dealing with his job and you to have a Facebook. Sometime people spend so much time on there and they get carried away, and they lose track if their responsibilities, do maybe he's just trying to be a responsible adult.
If he has an important job, he might not want random people to look him up and add him if they're clients or something.
Also, why don't you just ask him yourself?