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I love him? help please? confused!? - Printable Version

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I love him? help please? confused!? - narrowbattle543 - 04-28-2014 05:50 PM

so this guy's (my crush) in my school for like 3 years and I never knew he was in my school since this year. (too bad it's his last year because he is a senior) so I was stalking him on Instagram and I accidentally followed him but then I unfollowed quickly. after that at school he always looks at me and once I was going down with my friend he was infront of me but he stopped walkin he looked at me and smiled and then kept walking then I got so shy and u knw. and once I was in the hallway of school he was walking with his friend so he stopped walking and kept looking at me I walked really fast and then he continued walking. and on Thursday my driver dropped me to school and my crush was behind me so I went down to go to my class my crush was with his friend so I was walking slowly to see what's gonna happen so he's friend started yelling 'come on were gna be late what are u a turtle?' so he's like 'wait! go to class I'll come in a bit' so he touched half of my hand and smiled and kept waking. ((THIS KILLED ME)) I couldn't breath:') he's so hot btw he looks like Zac Efron. but like he follows my cousin on Instagram and whenever she posts a picture with me he likes it so fast. I really like himSad I don't know what to do. oh and our names match. mine is Tara his is Toni like both 4 letter And start with a T. my friends ship us. everyone. and they call me sometimes Tori :') help plz?

- The Last Imperator - 04-28-2014 05:54 PM

I don't think you love him. You barely know him. But to get the best of your situation, use both mind and heart. You need to analyze his motives, don't let your feelings cloud you. At the same time, you need to follow you heart, your intuition. Most of the time your feelings are correct. Don't hold back and never let fear dictate you. I let fear rule my life once, now I live a joyless life without a partner

- Justine - 04-28-2014 06:01 PM

Seems like you guys are really into each other! You should go to him the break or after school and have a chat or something. Maybe you have his number you can text him. Make sure to show him that you are also interested in him I mean there's nothing to lose so why not? Get to know each other Smile

- Vanilla - 04-28-2014 06:07 PM

Wow, you are so love struck.

And he seems interesred in you too.


Well, like I said, it seems like he's interested in you. He stops and smiles, which are of course good signs. Try to get his attention a bit. When he stops and stares/smiles at you, smile back. Try to talk to him, if you can. When you are at least friends with him, make a daring step and wink. If he smiles/winks back, he's definitely into you.

Other than that, I would say give it time and hope he asks you out. You go, gurl! Smile