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Which is better adwords or SEO? - Printable Version

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Which is better adwords or SEO? - celery7 - 04-28-2014 05:53 PM

What is the best way to bring customers to my website google adwords or SEO? or both?
Or Any other suggestions?

- Zero 2 Hero - 04-28-2014 06:03 PM

Use both.

- - 04-28-2014 06:10 PM

Adwords will give you sure visitors but SEO not sure about it as you never know where your website will appear on search engine.

But both should be used.

- vavou - 04-28-2014 06:19 PM

SEO and Adwords are 2 different methods- Adwords will guarantee that your business is listed on Google immediately, but can be very expensive. There are some companies spending up to £2m /per month on Adwords. Even small businesses need to spend about £5k /month to get a decent response. SEO is a much slower process- it can take months before you appear in Google, but in the long run can be far more effective.
Which method you choose depends on your timescale and budget. Hope that helps

- Gareth - 04-28-2014 06:24 PM

As someone has said, use both if you can. But SEO is best, but if you don't want to get involved in SEO use a platform like WordPress my blog is WP and its ranked quite highly in just a years worth of bloggin. Google loves WordPress so I'd recommend blogging in your chossen area.

- K - 04-28-2014 06:33 PM

The more options that you utilize, the better.

Read more about SEO ideas here...

- Andy Tips - 04-28-2014 06:37 PM


The best way really depends on your business and your budget.

The best long term solution is to get your site ranking at the top of the search engines naturally so that you're not paying for traffic, however since you can't control the search engines and you may want immediate traffic - PPC (Adwords) is the perfect way to get immediate high-quality traffic in a way that you do control.

The way I prefer to go is start by using Adwords and see which keywords bring visitors that buy. Then stop the other keywords in my campaign.

Then using the shorter list of keywords that actually turn in to buyers - start creating content and links to bring those people via natural rankings.

This way is more effective and you only focus on what turns into money, and make money while you're doing it.

Once you're at the top of the search engines naturally, you can stop your Adwords campaign and never need to pay again.

- Bianca Williams - 04-28-2014 06:45 PM

Well choosing which one is better will depend on your targets and goals. If you want fast results to generate traffic for your site, then Adwords is better to use. Though this requires you to have enough budget as this form of advertising is quite expensive. You also need to have proper background about how to use it effectively so that your money will not be wasted.

But if you want stable rankings, then SEO is better to use. Though this may take some time for you to rank well in different search engines.

- Ezra Silverton - 04-28-2014 06:50 PM

I work for a Toronto based SEO company and have worked on hundreds of Internet marketing projects. Most of our clients use both methods and we suggest it. One of the reasons being is that you can use different targeting strategies for SEO and SEM/PPC. You can also implement things faster in AdWords and therefore see results faster. Those results can then be used to enhance SEO efforts to get better ROI. Some clients see better results with SEM then SEO and some others visa-versa. If you can't afford to do both, I would suggest doing your testing first with AdWords for approximately 3 months, learn from your tests about what works and use that knowledge to implement into your SEO efforts.

- Alex - 04-28-2014 06:58 PM

SEO take a look at the links below to give you a better view of the meaning.