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I NEED HELP!!!!!? - Printable Version

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I NEED HELP!!!!!? - SALVATOREBROTHERS - 04-28-2014 05:53 PM

I'm 16 years old girl.. and lately i've been told that some guy took my photos from facebook and instagram and he keeps showing them to other guys and talk about me in the school.. idk what he is saying but ik its bad things.. and i can't go & talk to him! i have no idea what to do now PLEASE HELP!!!!
I Can't Do That! He Is A Really Bad Guy!! He Can Slap Me Back Or Even Worth!!

- proudcake895 - 04-28-2014 06:01 PM

Don't be a darn coward girl.go to him and SLAP HIM on his face so hard he will start to cry.also make sure u have your friends with u

- Britt - 04-28-2014 06:08 PM

Dear Sal:

Does this jerk go to the same school as you ? If he
does, go talk to the Assistant Principal.

POST EDIT: Do not listen to ANYONE who
tells you to "go slap" this jerk. That makes you
a criminal....more, it means you are a coward,
and powerless. You are not powerless. This is
a crime you are discussing. And just because
he's in High School, does not mean he should
not be held totally responsible.

Besides which, this is actually a law enforcement problem.

If this POS hacked your Facebook, he's guilty of a CRIME.

You tell your Asst. Principal you will give this guy 24 hours
to come clean....or you go to the cops.

Give this POS one chance, and I mean ONLY one chance,
to STOP....after to the police, and make out
a police report.

It's okay to stand up for yourself. Perfectly okay.

Post Script: FACEBOOK will be interested to know
about this punk.


- Ms.G. - 04-28-2014 06:12 PM

I have a 16 year old daughter. Tell your parents and the counselor so they know what is going on. I would want to know if you were my daughter. The school needs to be aware also and you and your parents should do this together. They can decide what to do...they probably won't do anything but this way if things get out of control you can say I told you this was going on and my parents knew and brought it to your attention too...they will have to take some accountability then. It makes them liable. It is a legal thing.

Delete any inappropriate material (pics and videos) from your account and keep from posting anything. You shouldn't post anything you wouldn't want your mom or grandma to see anyway... think about makes sense... Change your privacy settings on your Facebook account with regard to your pictures and videos so this won't happen again. and also in your privacy settings block the guy so he can't see anything you post if he is a mutual friend.

From a social standpoint I would use your friends to find out more information and go from there. Also use your friends to set things straight and counter any rumors he is spreading about you.