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BOYFRIEND ADVICE? Losing interest HELP? - Printable Version

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BOYFRIEND ADVICE? Losing interest HELP? - Arrogantclub390 - 04-28-2014 05:57 PM

So, we've been together for 3 years now. The beginning of our relationship is so happy! Everything is perfect. I get butterflies in my stomach everytime he calls my name and everything that he does involving me. I won't forget every details he does for me. But now, my feeling for him changed. Not always, but sometimes I love him but sometimes, I lose interest in him. The spark in our relationship has vanished. I don't have any guy I liked or something. I just don't know what to feel for my boyfriend. I went on a vacation for 2 days. I sent him a goodmorning message (via Facebook) before I left the house because I don't have a phone for 3 weeks. He only replied once and after that he didn't sent me anything. But when I came back home, he chatted me and he said "How's your vacation? I missed you!" but I don't know what to feel. When he hugs or kiss me, I don't know what to feel anymore.. I don't want to leave him but I guess my feelings for him fades sometimes. I feel like I want a break or something but I don't have a valid reason to do that. I need him in my life. I don't want everything about us to be a memory for me but I don't know what I feel for him anymore. I have no interest in being single, or a different love interest interfering. I still care about him a lot. I feel horrible since I have no real reason to feel this way. Why have I suddenly lost interest? I honestly think that I'm starting to lose my interest in him. And it pains me. HELP? Sad(((
PS: I love him, but for some reason my interest in him is decreasing. I feel like whenever I see him, I love him. but when I'm away and out of his sight I always feel like I don't have interest to talk to him or something. I let him do anything he wants (videogames etc). I don't want to complain these things in him because I feel like I'm a strict girlfriend and I don't like that and I feel like im forcing him to change. But I feel sad when I don't receive messages from him. What should I do? Sad
PS: I love him, but for some reason my interest in him is decreasing. I feel like whenever I see him, I love him. but when I'm away and out of his sight I always feel like I don't have interest to talk to him or something. I let him do anything he wants (videogames etc). I don't want to complain these things in him because I feel like I'm a strict girlfriend and I don't like that and I feel like im forcing him to change. But I feel sad when I don't receive messages from him. What should I do? Sad

- Asad - 04-28-2014 06:02 PM

hi, i read your message its too long but very short story that you are fed up with your boy friend. Its not true...... I mean from my point of view that you loves your boyfriend more than anything in your life, but same time you want same from him, unfortunately you are not getting the same, maybe because of many reasons, may be he didnt saw your facebook message of Good morning, may be he was busy with some other important work, anyhow you are going to be his life partner so you have to adjust some thiing, he gives you more time when you are his girl friend and he will gives you less time when you become his wife, why???? because his responsiblity will come more, so try to understand him, and I must appreciate you that he is so lucky guy, that he got a girl friend like you.
Secondly Interest or loosing faith with your boy friend is not true, i think you are loosing interest in yourself, you are feeling that he is not caring about you, he is not doing whatever you are seeing in your dreams or thinking. so dear be a human and mind him also a human, means human will do little mistakes, either you are him or iam.
Love him like before leave the result on god, with very best wishes, iam closing this message, sorry if something is wrong.
yours best wisher