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Any good website ideas? - Printable Version

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Any good website ideas? - Charley - 04-28-2014 05:59 PM

So, I'm nearly 14 and i'm really good with computers but I have no idea what website to create :/ . I'm open to any suggestions and will even make someone a website if you message me what you want and your email? Ideally, if someone could tell me an online website idea that I could run from home that would be great (I have a photo printer, can make keyrings ECT if anyone could advise for a photography business that would be great)
Thanks So Much,
Charley Tongue

- Jake - 04-28-2014 06:09 PM

Unfortunately photography is not the black magic it once was, everyone has cell phone cameras and color printers, one has to offer more services, like a studio with soft lighting that makes a face look better.

Most commonly a niche blog covering a specialty with not too much competition is easier to get search engine traffic to than some mainstream topic that gets a million search results, with only 10 or less of them on page 1 of the results (subtracting out Googles pets, youtube and wikipedia there may only be 7 or so spaces on page 1.

Ir you write about something you have a real interest or passion in, you have a better chance of staying motivated long enough to make something of the site, it takes some time to build up the content and history needed to get decent search engine ranking and traffic, when you get thousands of visitors a month, you might be able to earn the $100 min payout for running Google Adsense ads every few months. Content matters more than site technology or bells and whistles.

- JJ - 04-28-2014 06:14 PM

I've just started an all inclusive blog and social media consultation service and so I'm looking for someone competent in html. I'd love to see what you can do.
If you email me at with some examples, we can discuss this further,
I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Jade Blackwell