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Viber 'Last online'? - Printable Version

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Viber 'Last online'? - Belovedbrother856 - 04-28-2014 06:01 PM

My Friend on Viber, I am not sure if he has blocked me.
It says message 'sent' 'last online today at 13:10' is this a sign he has blocked you?
If not is there signs that someone has blocked you, if it says sent.. does it mean you aren't blocked?

- Mel - 04-28-2014 06:06 PM

Last online refers to the last time the person was connected to the internet and thus 'online'. It means he's not connected, he probably has gone out and had no internet connection where he is. If it sent it means he hasn't gotten it yet because it will say 'delivered' before he reads it. So no need to worry.

I'm pretty sure if he blocked you you'd know.