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Should i text my ex-girlfriend? - massivedock579 - 04-28-2014 06:04 PM

I broke up with my girlfriend around 3 weeks ago.
Everything was smoth and lovely until her parents found out.
She and her parents had a huge arguement because they didn't like the idea that she is dating an older guy and she is not ready for that type of relationships she is 17 i am 20.Anyhow when she told me i asked her if she wanted to carry on and try it out regardless she responded that despite the fact that she really wants me and doesn't want to break up she doesn't want to have issues with her parents.After a long conversation i got extremely pissed and became very harsh towards her i deleted her from Facebook and told her not to bother me anymore cause i wanna move on from this bullshit.Truth is not only i haven't moved on 3 weeks after but i miss her too like crazy.I never meant to be harsh on her it was just in the heat of the moment moreover she got really mad and called me immature for deleting her from facebook and she didn't want that to happen.So my question is should i text her back or should i suck it up despite the fact that it hurts and try my best to move on?

- Mircat - 04-28-2014 06:07 PM

Three weeks is nothing. Move on and stop dating teenagers.

- What the... - 04-28-2014 06:09 PM

Dude, move on. I've been there. Nothing good can come out of hanging around exes. You broke up for whatever reason. It's going to hurt for a while but no matter how you twist and turn it it's going to hurt. Accept that. Just get it over with.

- Shannon - 04-28-2014 06:17 PM

You need to move on, and the reason for that is her parents could have you arrested due to the fact that their daughter is a minor and you are not. If this happens, you will have to be registered as a sexual offender for the rest of your life. It's not worth it. If you still think about her after she turns 18, contact her, but do not contact her at all until after she is 18. If you must, send her ONE text message to explain that you will talk to her when she's 18.

- Cassie - 04-28-2014 06:21 PM

It seems like you really really like her. I'm in the same situation as a girl haha... So I think you should text her back and tell her you can wait for her. Thats IF you can wait for her. If not, then don't bother messing with her feelings. Smile good luck!

- BILL - 04-28-2014 06:26 PM

I think you should man up and apologize. See how she takes that and then consider getting back together. But also, it will take a little bit to rebuild the trust.

As for her parents, they have a legit concern. If you're doing the deed with her, it ain't legal, homey, and if her parents wanted to they could have you sent to the big house.

Maybe start by being her friend, wait until she's at least legal and then try to get back together.

- Elisha - 04-28-2014 06:29 PM

Message her your sorry for overreacting, but don't say anything about getting back together yet, she will think you only want sex.

- Zach - 04-28-2014 06:32 PM

Well a few things.

17 and 20 is NOT that big of an age difference. lol. Probably the majority of married americans are that much or more. It may seem a lot because you are both young, and one is in high school and the other is in college, but that's really not that big a difference.

First, yeah I agree with her. Getting into an argument and deleting her from Facebook is extremely immature. She is right. Seriously? Be mature about it.

Second, you are being insensitive to her needs. She is trying to tell you that she likes you but her parents aren't used to the idea yet of dating an older guy. She needs your comfort and support, not getting pissed off at her. It is not her fault her parents don't like it. You should be on her side, not against her. Backlashing at her because of her parents is not the right thing to do. You have to accept that her parents are a very real and important part of her life and you can't just blow them off. I would suggest trying to go meet them. Let them see you aren't that old and maybe they will warm up to to.

If you want her back, yes you HAVE to suck it up and admit that you acted immaturely. Tell her you are sorry and that you want to work with her to find a solution with her parents. Be on her side, not against her.

The direct answer, don't text her. CALL her, say you are sorry, say you were wrong, say you were immature, and ask her how you can work together to convince her parents you are not really that much older.

- Paul - 04-28-2014 06:38 PM

The first thing you must do is provide her a little bit of space.
I know you may wish to pick up the cellphone and text her, but then
it is most likely just sure to push your girl away.

When you supply her with space not only do you allow her to recover
emotionally, but you allow her the *gift* of missing you.

In due time she may perhaps communicate with you on the cell phone,
or using text. If she doesn't within 2 weeks, contact her yourself.

You basically should be direct and honest with her..and admit any fault.
Next you still can't expect her to come back to you right away,
but yet let time solve things.

If all else fails, this site may also help:

Try it out for yourself, good luck.