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How to Share Internet Connection between Desktop and Laptop? - Printable Version

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How to Share Internet Connection between Desktop and Laptop? - Harry - 04-28-2014 06:04 PM

My problem is i want to share internet connect between desktop (using XP)and laptop(using XP). In my desktop i have ethernet card . i'm using BSNL broadband connection. how to share internet connection between laptop and desktop.i use almost all method(like ICS).i use cross over cable to connect my desktop and laptop. By using USB my broadband is connected with Desktop.I can able to connect LAN connection but not able to share internet. Could you please tell how to solve this problem?

- Taba - 04-28-2014 06:05 PM

Why does everyone want to share an internet connection the hardest way possible?

To do it your way you just cant just plug a cable between the two computers and enable ICS and wala.

You must network the computers together.
1) the IP addresses and Subnets must be configured to work together.
2) ICS must be enable on the host computer while the other computer needs to be told it connects to the internet through another computer
3) The workgroup name in both computers must be identical
4) Firewalls must be setup to allow network communications between the two computers

Now if you would just buy a modem that can use ethernet instead of USB, Your might I dont know, a wireless router and a wireless adapter for the laptop, it might have built in wireless I dont know, then you could do this so much easier and also be able to go to any room in your home and sit and use your laptop, in some cases if the range is not to great you can even go outside to use the laptop.