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All recent Word files vanished after system restore and the only restore points remaining are from 2012- help? - Printable Version

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All recent Word files vanished after system restore and the only restore points remaining are from 2012- help? - Nur I - 04-28-2014 06:04 PM

I had some kind of malware/adware that installed itself and deleting it didn't work av didn't work. So I used system restore to restore it to day before.
Now it seems my recent word files are all
gone! Anything that was on the recent list has disappeared! And the only restore points the system offers me now is from 2012. And the adware is still there popping ads on chrome! I'm
Running a malware program now. But how/why did my word files vanish? Search or auto recover are not working. And it seems to have selected certain files- only the recently opened ones.
It is crazy making. Any ideas?
I knew system restore wasn't supposed to delete files and i should be able to undo it, but as i said all my system restore points had dissapeared all the way back to 2012 and i had no way to undo. it is apparently right that malware messes things up. but i was actually was able to find the files. turns out I had refiled them! ooops :} i ran a couple more malware scans and i think computer is clean.
Thank you!

- alejando - 04-28-2014 06:12 PM

The folks who create malware are conniving little bitches who can make a computer do just about anything they want. If you didn't back up to a second hard drive and if you don't have Carbonite, you be outta luck. Sorry.

- Chris - 04-28-2014 06:19 PM

System restore should not delete word documents:

What files are changed during a system restore?
System Restore affects Windows system files, programs, and registry settings. It can also make changes to scripts, batch files, and other types of executable files created under any user account on your computer. System Restore does not affect personal files, such as e-mail, documents, or photos, so it cannot help you restore a deleted file. If you have backups of your files, you can restore the files from a backup.

And you should have an option to Un-do the restore after you have done one..

To undo the changes System Restore makes
Open System Restore by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button. In the search box, type
System Restore, and then, in the list of results, click System Restore,

Click Undo System Restore, and then click Next.

Review your choices, and then click Finish.

I have no idea why your word files vanished.. no idea at all..
Adware should not delete files but malware can if its nasty.

Install malwarebytes and run a full system scan.. Remove any findings.

If your getting ads in chrome Malwarebytes may find it but.. If not..
As its in chrome.. Reset chrome to defaults..

There may be copies of the word docs hidden on the computer..
Search for them ->

You may be able to recover the word docs using...

Hope it helps Smile