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How can I control the urge to check Facebook? - Printable Version

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How can I control the urge to check Facebook? - Thomas - 04-28-2014 06:05 PM

Ok so I have pretty bad trust issues, I don't feel like going into detail about it all. I have it under control to an extent but I have issues in lots of different situations. I only really seek help on one though. I find myself with this uncontrollable urge to check Facebook and stalk my girlfriend. I don't know why but it always ends up putting me in a bad mood seeing her doing stuff on there that doesn't involve me because when I get on facebook and do anything it's always for her. It's not a big deal but everytime I get on there it's because I like to check and see if she's doing anything she shouldn't anyways I feel bad about it. How can I keep myself from checking it? I don't seem to have the willpower when I get upset with her and it just makes things worse. I often get on there when she takes awhile to text me back I like to see if she's on there to see if she's ignoring me. But honestly Idc I'm about to give up on texting so much it's becoming very cumbersome so I just need away to avoid checking Facebook and getting upset. I don't wanna delete my account though I still find a need for it occasionally. Just help with the urge.

I don't know exactly what the question is here but any advice is appreciated. Thanks Smile

- Noob Programmer - 04-28-2014 06:14 PM

forget about her. grow up and figure out what you need in life. let me tell you its not a girl. get your grades and get a job. figure out your life. simple as that.

- Natalie - 04-28-2014 06:24 PM

you delete the app

- Greg N - 04-28-2014 06:31 PM

I never imagined there'd be a day when I'd be saying something like, "I remember when we didn't have..." But here I am... I'm 33 and I remember when there was no such thing as Facebook. In fact I remember when MySpace was very successful and the only real personalized social media site there was. I even remember when there was no internet.

But even back then, before texting, secret GPS apps on phones, internet social networks, etc., there were always jealous guys who stalked their girlfriends or otherwise monitored them whenever and however possible. So the real problem isn't Facebook. It's you and other guys like you. (That's not an insult, just a fact, as you admit in your question.)

So what do you do? You discuss it with your girlfriend. You be open and honest about your concerns. You learn to handle your emotions better. You learn how to spend your time being constructive instead of looking up Facebook crap that you know will bother you even if the postings by your girlfriend are totally innocent.

If you need to, you ask yourself if you actually, truly, really need Facebook and you delete the damn thing once you realize the answer is NO. But, if you do need it for constructive avenues such as, I don't know, school projects, political involvement, or whatever else, then delete your current account and make a new one with just what you need for special projects but not general social exposure.

I didn't ride to school in a horse-drawn carriage nor did I do my homework by candlelight. But I remember when there was no Facebook and somehow we all got by.

- Xander Funck - 04-28-2014 06:33 PM

I Have the same problem just put a note on your computer that says Something like:Don't get on facebook you control yourself: So everytime you remeber not to do it

- Marina - 04-28-2014 06:42 PM

just don't?