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Paid pen in college... how to advertise? - Printable Version

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Paid pen in college... how to advertise? - Jake - 04-28-2014 06:12 PM

I'm planning on joining up with a local community college... not because I need the credits, but because I'm bored as hell and plan on being a "paid pen," or essay b****. At my old school (when I needed the credits) I had an hourly pay of about 15-20 dollars, as each of their topics took no longer than 2 hours, with some as low as 30 minutes.

The way I got into it though was through word-of-mouth because I had many friends going to my college. Now I'm in a different part of the country a few years later.

I know what to charge, etc, but I just don't quite know how to advertise for it without being thrown out the first day.

Any tips are appreciated. I want to keep it going as long as possible; I need to at least pay back the tuition to break even.

- Jake - 04-28-2014 06:13 PM

Why just one school, I see sites offering to write term papers, etc. some gigs on offer to hand out promotional flyers on a campus.

If you are a fast writer you might do OK crafting articles for web sites as well, the going rate for basic filler articles is about $3 for a 450 word article, some people can knock out articles in 10 minutes using a fremework formula. You can find projects on freelance marketplaces like,, some avoid the bid/rejection hassles by going through brokers like,,
Experts can get as much as $75 for articles published on premium sites.