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Sorry, there was an error. Please sign in again with the same account or a different one. NEED HELP 10 POINTS? - Printable Version

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Sorry, there was an error. Please sign in again with the same account or a different one. NEED HELP 10 POINTS? - Toughcan325 - 04-28-2014 06:13 PM

I have an old yahoo answers account i just remembered and want to use. I used to sign in using my gmail account by clicking the google button towards the bottom of the yahoo login screen (it is next to facebook). The yahoo answers account i am currently using also is by using a gmail account.

However every time i try to log in it redirects me to "Sorry, there was an error. Please sign in again with the same account or a different one. " This has been happening for a week!!! I know using gmail works since i am using it right now and i know my old account is still there because i found an old question and my profile and such is still there. I just don't know what the problem is

- oklatonola - 04-28-2014 06:20 PM

This is WHY you are getting that error message:

"...Yahoo to block Google, Facebook accounts from signing in for services
Yahoo is pushing out the competition, will soon not allow you to sign in to Yahoo services using your Facebook or Google accounts (NASDAQ:YHOO, NASDAQ:FB, NASDAQ:GOOG)

By: Anthony Garreffa | Internet & Websites News | Posted: Mar 5, 2014 8:29 am..."