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Ladies why would you do this? Is she into me? - Printable Version

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Ladies why would you do this? Is she into me? - Bitterfinger286 - 04-28-2014 06:22 PM

I hit on this girl on FB. I told her is like to get to know her. She said sure and then after a few messages I got no reply. I hot her back up a month later, this time asking her about her volunteer work and that I like to get involved. After that I got her attention and we even met for coffee to talk about joining the group.

When we met up she went for a hug which I was not expecting. I thought this was a good thing, as I have only one pic on my FB this maybe was a sign she saw me as attractive. We talked a bit about music and interests. She's been trying to get together with me and wants to work with me on doing a film night for her group as she knows I am interested and am a film major.

My question is 1) she does still remember I was hitting on her at first. Does she think I'm just trying to get to know her and letting me or just forgot? 2)Also does she sound intersted?

- Amz - 04-28-2014 06:28 PM

I think it's too early to tell.... even for her...

Enjoy her company and get to know her. She may like you or she may just be friendly to everyone. Hugs don't mean the same thing from one person to another..

- Carol - 04-28-2014 06:32 PM

She didn't seem all that interested until you started to volunteer and do stuff for her. Just be cautious. She might be more interested in what you can do for her. Good luck.

- Dee - 04-28-2014 06:41 PM

She doesn't sound that into you, just don't get too attached, she probably does remeber but doesn't want to talk about it