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slow internet connection with 54mbit router? - Printable Version

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slow internet connection with 54mbit router? - Patrik H - 04-28-2014 06:24 PM

I have a 54 mbit router connected to a 100 mbit adsl. my internet connection however is about 100-200kbit/second, and I download things at a max speed of about 50 kb/sec. Shouldn't it be faster, and what can I do to speed it up? I have tried configuring the firewall without results. Anyone have a suggestion??

- lormahoykyd2007 - 04-28-2014 06:33 PM

Well your first problem is that any download or uploads are not only going to be limited by your speed, but the speed of the different sites you are using. For example if you are downloading from You-Tube or Break.Com you are limited by the speeds they set per user. Second your speed from your own connection is not guaranteed. The more neighbors you have on the slower it will be. I suggest going to a few times during the day and check what speeds you are getting. prime time and lunchtimes are the worst. If you never get a good speed your inside wiring would be the next thing to check. Unless your home and neighborhood are new the wiring is old, and losing signal. Unless you are sharing media throughout your home stick with what you have. If you are streaming movies to your livingroom TV use a Gigabit wired connection or a 802.11N router. However this will not speed up your internet connection. Sorry.