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How to innovate products for the general public? - Printable Version

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How to innovate products for the general public? - Richard - 04-28-2014 06:27 PM

I have wanted to pursue this goal I have had for years however I can not get past the idea of people not liking change.

I have a general understanding in high school level psychology level 1.

no matter how good it is, if its new people do not like it. When it comes to technology the phenomena is twisted to that people dont mind new, as long as they don't have to learn anything to achieve what they use to achieve.

lets get down to the bottom line, I am a programmer and I have blood and sweat spilled into what I will make the next big thing on the internet. I've built it all on my own and absolutely no funding. I've researched every bit of psychology that would effect even just the littlest of things such.

I strongly believe that people will like it and use it, however there is old technology out that I wish to corner dominate. The technology is really cutting edge and custom designed. I've even created my own hardware. I know there will be extremist who will try and say 'this is bad' or 'conspiracy' or some other mumbo jumbo. But on launch I want this to be a 100% BOOM. I want to be able to tell just 1 person about it and then they tell someone and so on.

even though I am not making a social networking site, I would like to know what appealed users to create a MySpace or Facebook when it first launched?

How much advertising is to much advertising?

should I monopolize what others require subscription fees for FREE?

1 month before launch I will be hiring a business partner and a full team to review everything negative and fix and test them before launch.

I'm 20 years old and I've been working on this for 8.

- robert m - 04-28-2014 06:32 PM

Some/Many People do like change, viz fashion, high technology etc. A well constructed business plan will help address many issues your questions raises. In any successful technology there are "early adopters" then a critical mass, then the late comers.

- Jake - 04-28-2014 06:33 PM

Some of the really big successes like Facebook and Youtube operated unprofitably for years from investor capitol while they build a user base of their services, advertisement free. Membership sites are hard to pull off, particularly some social site.

I hope you haven't operated completely in a vacuum, you can't be sure how much of the public shares your appraisal of the value of your site, certainly alpha and beta testing before investing a huge amount makes sense, perhaps first hiring social engineering and survey administrators to gauge user response, after that some advertising PR person who knows how to write press releases and generate buzz.