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HELp!! Addicted to Facebook/ instagram and YouTube and craapp? - Printable Version

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HELp!! Addicted to Facebook/ instagram and YouTube and craapp? - Lilly - 10-15-2012 09:18 PM

First! Plz l like my page it means alot!

I'm addicted to Facebook and instagram!! I go on Facebook! ALOT I've spent like the whole day on it, I don't do my assiments or tests and I leave it to the last day ever since I got Facebook I've been on it sooo much on my ipod and phone hours and hours I feel as though I'm getting more popular with it at school!!! Maybe thats the reason why I'm on it soooo much cause all the boys start talking to me now!! Unbelievable and the boy I have a crush on comments on A LoT! Of my statues

At 1st when I got Facebook I felt very antisocial I felt as though the boys didn't like me and it got really really!! Akward .. But now everyone likes talking to me which makes me feel soo awesome which is why maybe one of the reasons why I go on it soo much I check up on it every second!! So help meeee I want to be smart I want to get good grades but I just can't Sad and ever since I found out about

INstagram!!! it's been the same!! Just like Facebook I go on Facebook.. Get bored .. Than on instagram and back to Facebook it's like my whole life routine.. I didn't go to school today cause I was sick so non of my friends where online and I've Been on it for sooo long even though no ones online Sad I guess maybe it's just cause I wanna be popular but still!! I'm confused and scared it's ruining my grades Sad plzzz give me

A really good loping answer plz plz plzzz thanx Smile

- Jason - 10-15-2012 09:27 PM

i use now and my life has improved because of it

- meowmix - 10-15-2012 09:27 PM

guuurrl you need some rehab
also, being popular isn't everything, its just a phase. nothing really matters anymore when you're out of school and if you aren't doing so good you will regret it later.
school should be your first priority.

- Nadya_ - 10-15-2012 09:27 PM

You just don't have enough will to stop your addiction to facebook and instagram. I was once like that too, but since i got a lot of homework i made up my mind and focus to my study and grades. It's just you have to motivated yourself. Remember, even without facebook or instagram for a few days it doesn't make you lose all of your friends you've made.

Hope it'll helped you Smile