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How do I get over someone? - Printable Version

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How do I get over someone? - Kay - 04-28-2014 06:29 PM

i've been really upset lately because my ex told me a few weeks ago he really loved me and wanted to get back together. we've been broken up for about a year now, but we've talked ocasionally since the breakup. we've both dated other people, him more than me. i pretty much got over him, but whenever he said he wanted me back and he's done nothing but think about how much he wanted me back since we broke it off, it made me happy because i thought we might actually work out again. but it only took a few days until he was ignoring me again. i told him that i didnt think a relationship was gonna work and he agreed. a few days ago i drunk texted him and he said he still really liked me, then all of the sudden he hates me. he doesn't respond or he's just flat out rude. i know he is seeing or hooking up with one of his exes, and this is the girl he at one point left me for. they only dated for about a month if even, and he cheated on her several times with me. he's had other girlfriends other

- Timothy Stephens - 04-28-2014 06:35 PM

Stop all this negative stuff and collecting stories about your ex.ITS OVER so lay it to rest once and for all.Cut back on your drinking and block him totally.Get looking for a guy and find some peace.

- Amz - 04-28-2014 06:36 PM


Okay, here is what you do if you wanna get over him and find some self respect. You have to block and then delete his number from your phone. You have to delete him off all the social media websites.

Then you have to go find something to do. Keep yourself busy. Pick up some new hobbies. Hang out with your friends. Get involved in some community work. Spend time with family. Fill your calendar so you won't have time to sit around the house feeling bad.

- F - 04-28-2014 06:38 PM

you need to be away from him and take time to yourself