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My computer slows the internet to a crawl and I've tried EVERYTHING? - Printable Version

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My computer slows the internet to a crawl and I've tried EVERYTHING? - Ungratefulable754 - 04-28-2014 06:29 PM

So am at my dad's house and whenever I turn it on, it drops the internet to about 90kbps. I know it can work normally because it was fine at my house. I'm virus clean and I've already attempted to renew the ip and it keeps saying media disconnected, and I already tried the flush prompt. Lastly I attempted to make it a static ip and still , NOTHING works. Please help, I'm about to smash my new computer with a hammer.

- Anubhav - 04-28-2014 06:38 PM

You Should Try "SecurityKiss" . It Wii Work.

- rowlfe - 04-28-2014 06:41 PM

The problem is beyond your control. If you have cable broadband, it likely is "the party line effect". The connection to your ISP is where the bottleneck lies and that is not something you can do anything about. With the party line effect, it comes down to how many users are on the line with you. The more users, the slower everyone goes. Wireless and cable are essentially the same, only one uses a wire to carry radio signals and the other does not. The access point (at your ISP) has only one transmitter and can only talk to one at a time on the cable. So, if there are 10 users, you get 1/10th the time of the transmitter at your ISP. If there are 100 users, you get 1/100th of the time with the transmitter at your ISP. Do you see how that works? And why the number of users increasing is why your throughput is decreasing?

- Krowten Nimda - 04-28-2014 06:45 PM

If it works fine at your house but not at your dad's, the logic dictates that your dad has a crap connection. Smashing the computer in this instance is the equivalent of breaking the TV because your satellite reception dropped.