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Why won't this person text me back? - Printable Version

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Why won't this person text me back? - Sarcasticcub897 - 04-28-2014 06:32 PM

Long story short. About a year ago I recently obtained a girl in my classes number in hopes of getting to know her better. Shes popular, athletic, social, and seemed nice. She is also dating my best friend/ex bf's friend, so I knew her through him. She and I texted a few times talking about her life, small talk, school. She asked why I wanted her # (which I got over fb), I said to get to know her better. I had some assumptions made about her, I told her how she appeared to me. She explained how she was, and despite how perfect she seemed she was very insecure too. That made me less intimidated by her. I suggested we should hangout, she agreed. Months later I made a new fb and added her, months went by and she didn't accept. I told her I had made a new one in case she didn't realize, she still didn't accept. I felt self conscious that maybe I upset her. I asked her about her bf who I thought had blocked me but really he deleted a lot of ppl he doesn't talk 2. Idk why she won't text me.

- BILL - 04-28-2014 06:34 PM

Well she may have a bf that's controlling and she doesn't wana start trouble talking to u

- anonymous - 04-28-2014 06:35 PM

Apparently she's not as interested in you as you are in her. That just happens, to everyone. Let it go. Go find someone who wants to have a relationship with you. This girl doesn't. Not your fault, not her fault, just the way it is. Give it up.

- esim345 - 04-28-2014 06:37 PM

You said, "I suggested we should hangout, she agreed. Months later I made a new fb and added her, months went by and she didn't accept."

You've made a long story too short. What happened between those two sentences? Did you guys hang out on a regular basis during those months? If so, it'd be weird that she didn't accept your invitation. Or did you go months without talking to her, then you randomly added her on fb? If so, it's weird of you to add her on fb.

- Lissette - 04-28-2014 06:43 PM

Maybeshe lost interestin you? Just a guess, there's no clues toward anyother reasson . . .